I am extremely passionate about fashion, music, entertainment,love and life and hope to be a magazine journalist or editor in the future. May the fierce be with you! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sweet Home Alabama, Part 2

Here's another post for the fabulous jewelry. Yes, there was too much fabulousness for just one post..I wonder what Christian Siriano would say about fashion circa 1860? Would it be fierce? A hot mess? Or tick-tack-toe? I'm going with fierce, but let me know what you think. :)


  1. oh wow! what beautiful pieces

    The Flower Girl



  2. Hi Hillary, thank you for your sweet comment(s) - as for what events are out there for 'bloggers like me/you' - where do you live? (I couldn't figure it out from your profile). Do you know about FBFF, an online community started by Katy Rose of Modly Chic? Definitely sign up for that - there's an event being formed, for example, in Texas... we're all basically making this up as we go along, and what's beautiful is how democratic this is - all are welcome!

    Thanks and good luck - hope to hear from you again.

    jill (polkadot) xx

  3. thanks! Becky-definitely going to check your website out
    polka dot-No I haven't heard of it! I'll definitely check that out as well :)
